Ann's Blog
Ann McCauley is a Pennsylvania women's literature author, who wrote the books Runaway Grandma and Mother Love, both available for sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

June 2012
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Life’s an Adventure
Filed under: General
Posted by: Ann @ 1:58 pm

It’s a beautiful warm sunny day with no humidity. I love this weather. We finally have all the planting done for summer. I had blisters and callouses on my hands by the time we had mulched and planted our flowers, even though I did less than previous years. I watered all the plants this morning while walking Lucas, our helpful little pooch. It is lovely and definitely worth the required efforts.

But that is not the adventure, that’s just life and a nice life at that. I’ve long wanted to take more writing classes but didn’t want to commit the required time and money. Then my husband and I talked and talked about it. He encouraged me to apply and celebrated with me when I was accepted into the Low Residency Master’s Program at Wilkes University. That’s my adventure!  I’m excited and apprehensive at the same time. I hope it will be a positive experience.

Tomorrow is the day…I’m almost ready. I still have to finish packing my clothes. Today I’ve actually organized my desk and cleaned it off for the first time in months. Believe me that feels good. I made several trips to the garbage can in the garage…I found catalouges with long forgotten clothing tabbed to order…that were never ordered. Saved myself a bundle there!

My father will be 90 years old in 6 weeks. He is having a surgical procedure in the morning, I will stop by the hospital and wait with other family members to make sure he’s out of recovery and okay before drivng to the University. My mother passed two years ago today…

I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t read a book in the last two weeks. But we did see two movies worth mentioning. Both from Netflicks. The best was a 2011 movie, We Bought a Zoo, starring Matt Damon and Scarlet Johanason. Beautiful family movie with something for everyone. We loved it. Last night we watched, Duets, an older movie about Kareoke competition starring young Gwenyth Paltrow, Paul Giamatti and many more. it was funny, sad and silly but also had a deeper more serious level. Giamatti floored me with his singing and range of acting ability! I’d never seen him in anything but very serious roles before.

Before I finish packing, I will attend a Book Launch Reception at the library this afternoon for Kimberly Young’s debut novel, The Eighth Wonder. I read an early copy and loved it.  She has written several successful nonfiction books on internet addiction. She’s a lovely person, we’re members of the same Book Club. 

Another recent activity that took some of my reading time was an NRA Gun Safety Course. I learned so much. I had only shot a gun once before. And turns out I’m a pretty good shot. It is much harder than a person would suspect from only watching others do it in life or in the movies. I recommend the course to everyone.

Also since I’ve learned to cut and paste, I’ve added this wonderful High School graduation speech by a Wellesly University English professor… for anyone who is intersted. It’s called, “You are not Special”… and it’s great!
.Play Video

Till next time, enjoy the summer and keep reading.


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