Ann's Blog
Ann McCauley is a Pennsylvania women's literature author, who wrote the books Runaway Grandma and Mother Love, both available for sale at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

December 2024
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Spring is in the Air
Filed under: General
Posted by: Ann @ 4:50 pm

When I sit down to write a blog entry, I am always amazed that weeks have gone by when it felt like only days! Our snow has finally melted, we could still get another dusting or even worse BUT we’ve had a couple sunny days with blue sky. Spring is in the air, it  officially arrives one week from today. In Pennsylvania we love the change of seasons…but winter looked a whole lot prettier back in early December than it does now.

I spoke at the Womens Club in New Bethlehem, PA on March 5. It was a delightful evening with so many vibrant ladies. A lucky community to have this group behind them! 

Last week I was pleasantly surprised to find my essay, On Becoming Unwired in my Mar/April copy of Working Writer. I’ve been so busy I honestly forgot about the editor emailing that it would be in this issue. It dealt with the plugged in trend among so many people today. I have only one question to give readers food for thought: If people are out and about, having a truly good time…do you really think they’d take time in the middle of all that fun to post on Facebook, etc? You can check out my essay at:     

A few days later I was browsing through Good Houskeeping’s April issue and found a similar minded article written by one of my favoirte authors, Eliazbeth Berg, (who is also a former nurse.) The Case for Face, she eloquently made the point that face-to-face is what’s needed to keep real relationships real.

Speaking of real…it’s been a busy time traveling to grandchildren’s special events and loving every minute of it, also some face time with a few good friends. We’ve started to watch three different movies from Netflicks and sent them all back after a ten minute trial, we would’ve rated each one a minus five on a scale of one to ten!  After so many good movies during the winter, there now seems to be a serious good movie drought.

I read two excellent books…Baker Towers by Jennifer Haigh and Lottery by Patrica Wood. Both are terrific…both many times better than the current best sellers!

Till next time, keep reading my friends. 

Later,  Ann

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